Install the Relution App

There are two possible ways to install the Relution app for Android, iOS or Windows. The recommended way is to download the app from the public app store.

Alternatively, you can also make the Relution app available for download in Relution. Add the app to the Relution App Store as described in Relution Client Apps. Then, perform the following steps to install Relution on your mobile device:

  1. Open your browser and go to or to your custom server URL.

  2. Log in to the Relution App Store with the credentials you received from your administrator.


  1. Download the Relution app by tapping the logo shown on the dashboard.


  1. After the download has completed, start the installation by confirming the install popup on your device.


  1. After the installation has finished, open the app on your device and log in.

  2. Go to the app list. Now you can download available apps.