Install Relution on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server


Make sure your system is up-to-date.

sudo zypper -n update
During this installation some files will need to be edited manually. If you are familiar with vim set it as default editor with the commands below. If you are not familiar with vim please skip this and keep using the default editor.
sudo zypper -n install vim
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/editor editor /usr/bin/vim 100

Install dependencies

Install the required packages.

sudo zypper -n install java-1_8_0-openjdk unzip wget

Configure Java home

sudo echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr" >> /etc/profile.local
source /etc/profile

Verify the changes have taken effect.


You should see the configured path (/usr).

Create a Relution user

Create an unprivileged user to be used by the Relution service.

sudo useradd -s /usr/bin/false -r relution
sudo groupadd relution
sudo usermod relution -G relution

This creates an unprivileged user with the name relution that will be used to run the Relution service. This is done for security reasons since running services with root privileges is not recommended.

Download Relution

Download and extract the latest Relution package.

wget --directory-prefix=/opt
unzip /opt/ -d /opt

Change owner of the relution directory:

sudo chown -R relution:relution /opt/relution

Basic Relution configuration

Download Relution’s configuration file:


Edit the application.yml.template and adjust it to your environment. All values that must be replaced have placeholders in the form of %VALUE%, for example %MYSQL_PASSWORD%. You must at least replace the following values:

Placeholder Description


The external URL of your Relution server, e.g.


The password of the relution database user


The hostname of your SMTP server


The port of your SMTP server (default: 25)


The username of a user on the SMTP server


The password of a user on the SMTP server


The unique name of the initial Relution organization to create. Must only contain alphanumeric characters and no blanks.


The name of the initial Relution organization to create


The username of the organization administrator. Must only contain alphanumeric characters and no blanks.


The initial password of the organization administrator. Change this after first sign in


The name of the organization administrator


The family name of the organization administrator

Consider the use of pwgen to generate the initial password for your administrative account. We recommend to change the password after you sign in for the first time.

Move the file to the Relution server’s installation directory:

mv application.yml.template /opt/relution/application.yml

Make sure only root can edit this file and allow Relution to read it.

chown root:relution /opt/relution/application.yml
chmod 640 /opt/relution/application.yml

Verify installation

To verify that setup until this point is correct, start the Relution service in the foreground.

cd /opt/relution
sudo -u relution JAVA_HOME=/usr bin/

Wait for the Relution service to start up. Once the terminal output has stopped moving you should be able to connect to the service with a browser. To connect from a remote machine, make sure port 8080 is open in the machine’s firewall (see instructions below). For security reasons you should close this port once the service has been configured. Users will connect to the service using ports 80/443 served by nginx.

  • Open the YaST tool by issuing the following command: yast firewall

  • Use the cursor keys to select Allowed Services, followed by the return key

  • Use the tab key to select Advanced…, followed by the return key

  • Enter “8080” as TCP Port

  • Select OK to close the Advanced dialog box.

  • Select Next and review the summary of your changes.

  • Select Finish to apply your changes.

If everything is working, you should see the Relution portal and you can log in with the administrative account configured in the application.yml. For security reasons you should change the password of the administrator after you sign in. Consider removing the initial organization and administrator configuration from the application.yml for security reasons.

If you receive errors, verify that you completed all steps above. Use Ctrl+C to stop the service and wait for the service to shut down. If the service does not stop, use Ctrl+C again to force it to stop.

Create systemd service file

To start Relution as a system service, create a systemd service file for Relution. You can download the file from our GitHub repository.


Move the file to the systemd directory

sudo mv relution.service.template /etc/systemd/system/relution.service

Reload the systemd daemon to pick up the new service.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Make sure Relution’s directories are still accessible to the service. If the application was previously started as root it may otherwise be unable to write to its log file or temp directory.

sudo chown -R relution:relution /opt/relution
sudo chown -R relution:relution /tmp/relution.tmp

Start Relution and make sure the service is started automatically after a system reboot.

sudo systemctl start relution
sudo systemctl enable relution

To monitor the service’s startup you can follow its log file (Press Ctrl+C to exit).

tail -f /opt/relution/log/relution.log

Wait for the Relution service to start up. You should once again be able to connect to the service with a browser.


It is also a good idea to close the firewall port that was opened for testing at this point. Use yast firewall and undo the previous steps to open port 8080. If nginx will be installed on another machine you can skip this step and continue with the firewall configuration below.

Firewall configuration

If you install nginx on another machine, you need to permanently open port 8080 on this machine, so nginx can talk to Relution. If nginx is going to be installed on the same machine or you already opened the port for testing, you can skip these steps.

  • Open the YaST tool by issuing the following command: yast firewall

  • Use the cursor keys to select Allowed Services, followed by the return key

  • Use the tab key to select Advanced…, followed by the return key

  • Enter “8080” as TCP Port

  • Select OK to close the Advanced dialog box.

  • Select Next and review the summary of your changes.

  • Select Finish to apply your changes.