Install Relution on Windows Server


Make sure your system is up-to-date. Use Windows Update to verify that you have installed the latest security updates and fixes for your version of Windows.

Install dependencies

Download and install a supported Java version. When the installer asks whether to configure JAVA_HOME, select Yes.

We currently recommend the use of OpenJDK 11 (JRE). Most vendors treat this version as a long term support (LTS) release. Make sure to read our change log for the most up-to-date information.
There are multiple providers of OpenJDK, including AdoptOpenJDK, Oracle, RedHat and others. For Windows we recommend AdoptOpenJDK.

Configure environment

The following steps are only necessary if the installer did not set JAVA_HOME. The AdoptOpenJDK installer can do this for you. If you enabled this option, you can skip these steps.

  • Right click on Computer and click Properties

  • You should see the System control panel

  • Click on Advanced system settings

  • Go to the Advanced tab

  • Click on Environment Variables

  • Click on New…​ in the System variables section

  • Enter JAVA_HOME as the variable name

  • Enter the installation directory of the JRE/JDK as the variable’s value

  • Click OK

Verify that JAVA_HOME is set

If you have any open Command Prompt windows you need to close them before the changes take effect. Open a new Windows Command Prompt and enter the command below, followed by the enter key.

echo %JAVA_HOME%

You should see the value you entered above. Otherwise, double check your settings.

Download Relution

Download the latest Relution package to your Downloads directory. Right click the and click on Extract All…​.

Move the extracted relution directory to %ProgramFiles%. Note that by default Windows creates a new directory for the extracted files, so relution is inside the relution-package directory.

Basic Relution configuration

Open a text editor (e.g. Notepad) and paste the following content:

      password: %SYSTEM_ADMIN_PASSWORD%
      email: %SYSTEM_ADMIN_EMAIL%
    externalURL: %EXT_HOSTNAME_URL%
    type: mysql
    url: jdbc:mariadb://<db-hostname>/relution?useServerPrepStmts=true
    username: relution
    password: %MYSQL_PASSWORD%
    enabled: false
    username: %SMTP_USERNAME%
    password: %SMTP_PASSWORD%
    host: %SMTP_HOSTNAME%
    port: %SMTP_PORT%
    ttls: false
    ssl: false
    ehlo: true
      name: %ORG_UNIQUE_NAME%
      fullName: %ORG_DISPLAY_NAME%
        username: %ADM_USERNAME%
        password: %ADM_PASSWORD%
        givenname: %ADM_FIRST_NAME%
        surname: %ADM_LAST_NAME%
Make sure to edit the file and adjust it to your environment. The following parameters need to be replaced:
Placeholder Description


The password of your system admin


The E-Mail of your system admin


The external URL of your Relution server, e.g.


The password of the relution database user


The hostname of your SMTP server


The port of your SMTP server (default: 25)


The username of a user on the SMTP server


The password of a user on the SMTP server


The initial password of the system administrator. Change this after first sign in


The system administrator’s email address


The unique name of the initial Relution organization to create. Must only contain alphanumeric characters and no blanks.


The name of the initial Relution organization to create


The username of the organization administrator. Must only contain alphanumeric characters and no blanks.


The initial password of the organization administrator. Change this after first sign in


The name of the organization administrator


The family name of the organization administrator

Consider the use of a password generator to create the initial password for your administrative account. We recommend to change the password after you sign in for the first time.

Save the file as application.yml into Relution’s installation directory (e.g. "%ProgramFiles%\relution\application.yml").

Verify installation

To verify that setup until this point is correct, start the Relution service in the foreground. Open a console window and run the following commands:

cd "%ProgramFiles%\relution"

Wait for the Relution service to start up. Once the terminal output has stopped moving you should be able to connect to the service with a browser:


If everything is working, you should see the Relution portal and you can log in with the administrative account configured in the application.yml. For security reasons you should change the password of the administrator after you sign in. Consider removing the initial organization and administrator configuration from the application.yml for security reasons.

If you receive errors, verify that you completed all steps above. Use Ctrl+C to stop the service and wait for the service to shut down. If the service does not stop, use Ctrl+C again to force it to stop.

Install as a Windows service

Install Relution as a Windows service, with the install_service.bat batch script. Open a console window as an Administrator and run the following commands:

cd "%ProgramFiles%\relution"

The service should be started automatically after installation. Otherwise you can use the Service manager or enter net start relution at the command prompt to start the service.

Firewall configuration

If you install nginx on another machine, you need to open port 8080 on this machine, so nginx can talk to Relution. If Relution is going to be installed on the same machine you can skip these steps.

  • Open Windows Firewall with Advanced Security

  • Navigate to Inbound Rules

  • Click New Rule…​ in the Actions pane

  • Select Program

  • Click Next

  • Select This program path

  • Use Browse…​ to select the Relution’s service executable

    (C:\Program Files\relution\windows-bin\nssm.exe)

  • Click Next

  • Select Allow the connection

  • Click Next

  • Select Domain and/or Private depending on your network infrastructure

  • Click Next

  • Enter a name for the rule

  • Click Finish