Roles Definition

Read, Create, Delete Versions


Moving Versions (Workflow Off)


Moving Versions (Workflow On)


Settings & Permissions



  • Can Reviewer delete REV version? → no, see table

  • Can Reviewer create REV version? → no, see table

  • Can Developer delete REV version? → yes, see table

  • Can Developer create REV version? → yes, see table

  • Deleting last version means deleting the App, what is the logic in case Reviever/Developer wants to delete REV/DEV version and it is the last version? By default only Manager can delete an App? → Deleting the last version means deleting the whole app. this should be the case every time. No `empty' app objects should be possible. So if a developer deletes the last version (in the states they are allowed to delete it) then the app will be deleted too. Role switches

  • What happens if the administrator changes the role of users from x to y? → make sure that all rights are correctly set